Dear Fucking Diary 
Archive for 2024
Roller Derby
Went to a Roller Derby match the other night. My friend was competing for the first time and they won! Home team won also! There were two matches, beginners and pros basically. I actually like roller derby as a sport. It seems like fun, and feels like a combination my other two favorite sports-- basketball and ice skating.
There was a raffle and I won 2 of the prizes !! Whoa !! I don't normally win many of these types of things, so that was insane to me. Aaaa!! I got some cool spooky season themed stuff, and a beauty product care package. Love that for me 💖

Getty Museum
Went on a trip to the Getty Museum, hosted by the local arts center. It was nice to go back to SoCal, and fun to hangout with some artist friends. In particular, I was searching for art of Dionysus, as well as just wanting to enjoy the garden area. It's a beautifully kept garden, and I identified every plant I could while walking around. I want to learn even more about plants and how to identify them. I didn't take pictures of the garden, as I wanted to be as in the moment as possible while there. I did take some pics of a statue of Dionysus and Ariadne.
One of the people who runs the arts center, Tracy, drew a picture of me. We also took a selfie together, which she called an 'usie'. My reaction was utter confusion, however Megan found the innuendo in it. So now it is a little inside joke between us.
Apparently she also has both of our art on her fridge, so we have also dubbed her Papa Tracy. We are her children. The joke is both Megan and I are older than Tracy. But the heart is that she really is a caring and supportive person. I think that is found family, if I am not mistaken.

I am graduating college! I have completed my AA degree!! In Art. :3 I am a REAL ARTISTâ„¢ now.
Only joking. I was a real artist beforehand. Soon I will have a silly bit of paper that says I am not only real, but also educated.

Box Dog
I made a table out of a box, and he looks like a dog.
Their name is Box Dog.
He/they pronouns.
He still needs feet. Right now they're in loaf mode.

Healthy Living
Today I went foraging and picked a bunch of mallow. It is a native 'weed' to California, and totally safe to eat.
I washed the leaves and cut the stems off, and let them dry. Then I chopped them up and made a frittata with mallow instead of spinach!!
It's delicious! I'm quite pleased with myself. No pics because I just ate it O_O I was hungry.
I also foraged some madrone flowers, which I'm going to make into tea later.
And I wound up walking 4 miles while foraging. That's approximately 8k-10k steps! Which means I was not sedentary :3 I was distinctly active today.
Life is good.

Sometimes I feel like I am somehow doing neocities wrong. Like I worry I don't use the term 'shrines' properly. And that my web design is too weird and different. Or maybe it's too basic.
Then I remind myself. The whole point of neocities is to do my own thing on my own website.
Like... I don't know what I would put on my shrines pages other than pictures. I don't know why I would write a whole thing about why I like something. It just doesn't fully make sense to me. Almost makes me feel like I'm trying to defend my reasoning for liking a thing. And I feel like that enough as it is without making a whole fucking page about why I like something.
So my shrines are just pictures and stats and links to things I've made etc.
Personally I like my webdesign. IDK what else I would do other than like... Making the scrolly bit you look at everything in more like some kind of viewport or game console, etc. I have a vague idea of how I would do this but have yet to implement it. That is my fav kind of design though. I like when it's all centered in the page and graphics on the sides. I also like to enjoy a nice background.

I have been working out and lifting weights! Around September of 2023 I weighed about the same as I do now. But since then, I have lost 2-3 inches in my hips, belly, thighs, and chest. Which means I have lost fat and gained muscle to stay the same weight with a smaller size.
And I can lift more! During this time period of September 2023, I was struggling to lift 20 lbs weights in a shoulder press with dumbbells and couldn't lift the 35 lbs weights at all. Now I am struggling to lift the 35 lbs weights, but I can do a shoulder press with this weight now~
Since I got a gym membership at the start of the new year, I have been able to add 10-30 lbs to most machines. Particularly the tricep pushdown, crunch machine, and the seated leg press. For seated leg press I actually have been able to add 60 lbs! I can leg press more than I weigh!
I am a bit stuck with shoulder/chest/delts area in the same weight range. However, it is getting easier to do these so I feel I will soon be able to do more and with heavier weights!
Progress! It takes time, yes. But I am becoming a version of me I am quite proud of. I am in my bear era.